The Power of Relinquishment

15 September 2007

' Woe to the rebellious children....who executes a plan not Mine and make an alliance but not of my Spirit, in order to add sin to sin..who proceed down to Egypt, without consulting Me...and seek the shelter in the shadow of Egypt..' Isa 30:1-3

And the Lord said to Moses ' what is that in your hands? And he said ' a staff ' Then He said ' throw it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses fled from it. But the Lord said to Moses ' stretch out your hand and grasp it by the he stretched out his hand and caught it and it became a staff in his hand' Exo 4:2-4

The prophet Isaiah spoke of those who trust in the shadow of Egypt for protection from their enemies and have been influenced when they get into its shadow. The shadow of Egypt keeps them away from the full light of God's plan and pursuit.

Moses learnt how to get out of the shadow of Egpyt by staying in God's plan and purpose in his life. He relinquished the influence of Egypt by obeying God.

In Exo 4:2-4, Moses threw down his favourite old shepherd's rod as God commanded him and it became a serpent and he ran from it. Things got worse when God commanded him to hold it by the tail. This is a dangerous thing to do as the serpent is free on the 'business end' and free for 'action' It did not make sense.

Many times when we are going through the wilderness of 'relinquishment', we may think that God is leading us the wrong way or saying something that does not make any sense. The point is that we cannot figure out what He is doing but just trust Him.

When Moses picked up the serpent, it became a rod and from this time forward, the rod is never referred again as the 'rod' of Moses but the rod of God' Exo 4:20. Because Moses released his favourite rod and the snake was taken out of it, it became God's rod. Moses relinquished the one thing that he trusted most to God. God may strip you of everything in order for you to see and understand your total dependence on Him. With that stripping, with that relinquishment, comes power. Many times there are things that we hold on to very dearly and we have to release to Him so that God can remove the snake from it.

We need to do the right thing, to experience the power of God through a selfless life and relinquishment.
