Knowing God's Agenda

'Now in the morning, having  risen a long while before  daylight, He went out and  departed to a solitary place;  and there He prayed.'

Mk 1:35

It was common knowledge  among the disciples that  they would find Jesus  praying during the early  morning hours. When they  needed Him, they knew to  go to the place of prayer.  

Every time the Lord Jesus  faced an important decision,  He prayed. When He was  being tempted to do things  by the world's methods  instead of the Father's, He  prayed (Mt 4). When it was  time to choose His disciples,  He prayed the entire night  (Lk 6:12). If the Son of God  required a night of prayer  in order to determine the  Father's mind, how long  might it take us in prayer to  clearly determine our  Father's will?

Because Jesus was so often  surrounded by crowds, He  knew He must find a quiet  place so He could clearly  hear His Father's voice.  

Jesus had many people  seeking to influence the  direction of His life and he heard many voices from all sorts of people. 

-His  disciples wanted Him to go  where the crowds were (Mk  1:37).

-The crowds wanted  to crown Him king (Jn  6:15). 

-Satan tempted Him  to make compromises in  order to draw a following  (Mt 4:3,6,9). 

Jesus knew  that His mission was not to  attract a crowd, but to  remain obedient to His  Father. It was prayer that  set the agenda for Jesus’ ministry (Lk 6:12). Prayer  preceded the miracles (Jn  11:42-43); prayer brought  Him encouragement at  critical moments (Lk  9:28-31); prayer enabled  Him to go to the cross (Lk  22:41-42); and prayer kept  Him there despite  excruciating pain (Lk  23:46). Follow the Savior's  example, and let your time  alone with God, in prayer,  set the agenda for your life. It is perhaps for direction in your life or a miracle that you are praying for or making an important decision to serve Him or going through pain or difficult period in your life. Seek His Face

We live by Revelation

1 March 2009

Where there is no revelation, the people  cast off restraint;

But happy is he who keeps the law.

Pr 29:18

The world operates on vision. God's  people live by revelation. The world seeks  grand and noble purposes and goals to  achieve. People dream up the greatest  and most satisfying things in which they  can invest their lives. Institutions establish  goals and objectives and then organize  themselves to achieve them. God's people  function in a radically different way.  Christians arrange their lives based on the  revelation of God, regardless of whether it  makes sense to them. God does not ask  for our opinion about what is best for our  future, our family, our church, or our  country. He already knows! What God  wants is to get the attention of His people  and reveal to us what is on His heart and  what is His will, for God's ways are not  our ways!

(Isa 55:8-9).

Whenever people do not base their lives  on God's revelation, they “cast off  restraint.” That is, they do what is right in  their own eyes. They set their goals,  arrange their agendas, and then pray for  God's blessings. Some Christians are living  far outside the will of God, yet they have  the audacity to pray and ask God to bless  their efforts! 

The only way for you to know God's will  is for Him to reveal it to you. You will  never discover it on your own. When you  hear from the Father, you have an  immediate agenda for your life:  obedience. As the writer of Proverbs  observed: “Happy is he who keeps the  law.”